SPD Poetry Best-Sellers July 2012
- The Aphasia Café by Dawn McGuire (IF SF Publishing)
- Love Rise Up: Poems of Social Justice, Protest and Hope edited by Steve Fellner and Phil E. Young (Benu Press)
- The Last Selchie Child by Jane Yolen (A Midsummer Night’s Press)
- A Messenger Comes by Rachel Tzvia Back (Singing Horse Press)
- The Revolution Happened and You Didn’t Call Me by Maged Zaher (Tinfish Press)
- Democracy Is Not for the People by Josef Kaplan (Truck Books)
- Avenue by Michael O’Brien (Flood Editions)
- The Grief Performance by Emily Kendal Frey (Cleveland State University Poetry Center)
- Fjords Vol.1 by Zachary Schomburg (Black Ocean)
- Uncanny Valley by Jon Woodward (Cleveland State University Poetry Center)
- how to survive a hotel fire by Angela Veronica Wong (Coconut Books)
- Stele by Cole Swensen (The Post-Apollo Press)
- Even So: New and Selected Poems by Gary Young (White Pine Press)
- My rice tastes like the lake by Tsering Wangmo Dhompa (Apogee Press)
- Elegies for Michael Gizzi by William Corbett (Kat Ran Press)
- The Coldest Winter on Earth by David Dodd Lee (Marick Press)
- This Can’t Be Life by Dana Ward (Edge Books)
- Beauty Was the Case that They Gave Me by Mark Leidner (Factory Hollow Press)
- Certain Uncollected Poems by Sandra McPherson (Swan Scythe Press/Ostrakon Press)
- selected unpublished blog posts of a mexican panda express employee by Megan Boyle (Muumuu House)