Friday, April 1, 2011


  1. Home/Birth: A Poemic by Arielle Greenberg and Rachel Zucker (1913 Press)
  2. Poems by Grace Zabriskie (NYQ Books)
  3. Fairy Tales in Electri-City by Francesca Lia Block (A Midsummer Night's Press)
  4. The Source by Noah Eli Gordon (Futurepoem Books)
  5. The Firestorm by Zach Savich (Cleveland State University Poetry Center)
  6. Clamor by Elyse Fenton (Cleveland State University Poetry Center)
  7. Retrievals: Uncollected & New Poems, 1955-2010 by Jerome Rothenberg (Junction Press)
  8. Campeche by Joshua Edwards and Van Edwards (Noemi Press)
  9. The Grief Performance by Emily Kendal Frey (Cleveland State University Poetry Center)
  10. Immersion by Michele Wolf (The Word Works)
  11. One Island by Gretchen Steele Pratt (Anhinga Press)
  12. Late in the Antenna Fields by Alan Gilbert (Futurepoem Books)
  13. Makeshift Instructions for Vigilant Girls by Erika Meitner (Anhinga Press)
  14. Charlotte Brontë, You Ruined My Life by Barbara Louise Ungar (The Word Works)
  15. Either Way I'm Celebrating by Sommer Browning (Birds, LLC)
  16. The Wide Road by Carla Harryman and Lyn Hejinian (Belladonna*)
  17. The Lessons by Joanne Diaz (Silverfish Review Press)
  18. Helsinki by Peter Richards (Action Books)
  19. Utopia Minus by Susan Briante (Ahsahta Press)
  20. Lessness by Brian Henry (Ahsahta Press)
  21. Ventrakl by Christian Hawkey (Ugly Duckling Presse)
  22. Testify by Joseph Lease (Coffee House Press)
  23. By All Lights by B. H. Boston (Tebot Bach)
  24. There Are People Who Say That Painters Shouldn't Talk: A GUSTONBOOK by Patrick James Dunagan (The Post-Apollo Press)
  25. Lend Me Your Voice by Kjell Espmark (Marick Press)
  26. gowanus atropolis by Julian T. Brolaski (Ugly Duckling Presse)
  27. Determination by Kit Robinson (Cuneiform Press)
  28. Beauport by Kate Colby (Litmus Press)
  29. Imaginary Syllabi edited by Jane Sprague (Palm Press)
  30. Love-Noise by Elizabeth Twiddy (Standing Stone Books)

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